Elmhurst CRC
Elmhurst CRC
Daily Dose of the Word of God - Beyond Sunday Ep. 80
Jeff Klein, Pastor of Outreach
Jeff Klein 0:07
Welcome to Elmhurst CRC's Daily Dose in the Word of God. It's Monday, March 17. This is Jeff Klein reminding you that your faith goes Beyond Sunday and into the week.
Jeff Klein 0:17
When I read about the early church, it seems like a lot of what they are doing fits into the "only God" category. Standing before the people who killed Jesus and refusing to stop talking about Jesus, in spite of their threats - only God.Healing a lame man outside the temple as they are going in to pray -only God. Going to cities where they have no idea about who Jesus is and launching churches there, in spite of being threatened with beatings, imprisonment and even death - only God.
Jeff Klein 0:46
When I look at what the church tries or gets involved with today, it seems like most of it isn't in the "only God" category. A lot of what we try is born from great strategy meetings and great leadership methods. How can we begin to hear the voice of God and discern the kinds of only God activities that he might want us to pursue with our lives and in our church? If church is only about what we can do, then I wonder what the point of church really is. What does God want us to rely on him for? What does he want us to try that requires his power and not ours? What might happen if we had to totally turn things over to God and step out knowing that we needed him to come alongside of us. What can you try this week that will require this kind of faith?
Jeff Klein 1:31
Let's pray. Father God, help us to rely on you, to turn to you, to look to you. Help us, Lord, to step out in obedience to your voice and know that you will step with us. That only God things will happen when we do. In your name Jesus we pray, amen.