Elmhurst CRC

Daily Dose of the Word of God - John 11: 25-31

Kyle Olson Season 1 Episode 821

Kyle Olson, Technical Director

Kyle Olson  0:07  

Welcome to Elmhurst CRC's Daily Dose of the Word of God. This is Kyle Olson, and I serve here as the Technical Director. It's Wednesday, March 12, and I'll be reading from John chapter 11, verses 25 through 31 (The Voice). This is a conversation between Jesus and Martha.

Kyle Olson  0:30  

I am the resurrection and the source of all life; those who believe in Me will live even in death. Everyone who lives and believes in Me will never truly die. Do you believe this? Martha: Yes, Lord, I believe that You are the Anointed, the Liberating King, God’s own Son who we have heard is coming into the world.  After this Martha ran home to Mary. Martha (whispering to Mary): Come with me. The Teacher is here, and He has asked for you. Mary did not waste a minute. She got up and went to the same spot where Martha had found Jesus outside the village. The people gathered in her home offering support and comfort assumed she was going back to the tomb to cry and mourn, so they followed her.

Kyle Olson  1:28  

Let's pray. Lord, thank you for your word. Thank you for these accounts of Jesus having simple conversations and giving profound insight into who he is and what he was here for. Help us to hear and witness like Martha and Mary - who not only witnessed Jesus in person - hear his words, but run and tell everyone. And by those acts of faith, people begin to listen to them and even follow them in order to find this person, Jesus. We know you still speak to us today, so we pray that we hear your words and run and act upon them so quickly that other people see our faith and follow us in order to find you. In your name, Amen.