Elmhurst CRC

Daily Dose of the Word of God - Deuteronomy 5: 4-21

Kyle Olson Season 1 Episode 781

Kyle Olson, Technical Director

Kyle Olson 0:05 

Welcome to Elmhurst CRC's Daily Dose of the Word of God. It's Wednesday, January 15. My name is Kyle Olson and I serve here as the Technical Director. I'll be reading from The Voice translation of Deuteronomy 5, verses 4 through 21.  Get ready! It's a big one that you'll probably recognize.

Kyle Olson  0:29 

The Eternal tried to talk to you directly at that mountain from inside the fire that rose up into the sky. But you were afraid of the fire and wouldn’t go up the mountain, so I stood between you and the Eternal and told you what He was saying. I am the Eternal. I am your True God. I led you out of Egypt where you were slaves. You are to worship no other gods before me—My presence is enough. You are not to make idols of anything in the sky above or on the earth below or down in the sea. You are not to bow down in worship of any images of other gods, for I am the Eternal your God. I am jealous for worship, bringing punishment on you and your children to come, even down to your great-grandchildren, to whoever hates Me. Instead, those who obey My commands and truly love Me will receive My loyal love endlessly, even for a thousand generations. You are to not use My name lightly or flippantly or as a curse. I will punish anyone who treats My name as anything less than sacred. You and your family are to honor the Sabbath by setting it aside for the Lord your God. Make sure it remains holy, just as I commanded you. You should do all of your work in six days, and on the seventh—the Sabbath—do not do any work. This goes for you, your sons, your daughters, your male and female servants, your oxen and donkeys and cattle, and foreign travelers staying at your house. My Sabbath rest is for all to enjoy. Remember what it was like when you were a slave in Egypt. Then with overwhelming power I brought you out of there. That’s why I have commanded you to observe the Sabbath each week. Honor your father and mother, as I have commanded you. If you do, you will be blessed with long life and all will go well for you as you live on the ground I am giving you. You must never murder anyone. You must never commit adultery. You must never steal. You must never lie when you’re called to give testimony about another person. Never look at someone else’s wife and wish you could have her. Never look at anything that belongs to someone else and wish it was yours—his house, field, male or female slave, ox, donkey, or anything else he owns.

Kyle Olson  3:06  

Let's pray. Lord, thank you for your word. Thank you for your commandments and although in some ways, they seem easy to follow, we look a little bit deeper and they become basically impossible. Lord, we thank you for your covenant with us. We, thank you for your rescue. We thank you that you continue to come back, reaching out for us, drawing near. And we know that your son and your Holy Spirit bring us towards you. Lord, let us listen, let us obey, let us act, let us join in the redemptive, healing rescue project that you are accomplishing every day. In your name, amen.