Elmhurst CRC

Daily Dose of the Word of God - Galatians 4: 4-7

Gregg DeMey Season 1 Episode 766

Gregg DeMey, Lead Pastor

Gregg DeMey  0:07

Good morning friends and welcome to Elmhurst CRC's Daily Dose of the Word of God. This is Gregg DeMey, Lead Pastor at the church and it's Thursday, December 19. It's the season of Advent, when we're watching and waiting for God to do something that only God can do. Today's scripture reading comes from the New Testament book of Galatians chapter 4, verses 4 through 7.

Gregg DeMey  0:41

But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir.

Gregg DeMey  1:12

These are incredible verses from the Apostle Paul where he rationally lays out God's salvation plan for the Galatian church. God became human like us so that we could be adopted and because we're adopted, God's very spirit is within us. And we are God's children, therefore heirs to all the blessings that come from having a father who is God. Friends, that's the good news in a nutshell. But I want to hone in today on the opening verse in this passage, which says, "When the set time had fully come, God sent his son." The set time because God - though outside of time - had a perfect plan for those of us who live within the confines of history and time. God's sense of timing is always perfect. Our sense of timing - being small and short of vision - is not. Oftentimes, however, my hopes and prayers are focused in on particular outcomes happening at my preferred timeline. Maybe the Holy Spirit prompts me to pray for a friend who's struggling in mind or body and then it's my instinct to attach a preferred timeline to this request before the pain becomes too much or before they lose their job or their family. Now I think God perfectly understands and receive these prayers, but I would say, somewhat sadly, rarely do I finish my prayers and requests by saying, "and I trust your perfect timing to do just this because you're the healer and redeemer of all of our ills."

Gregg DeMey 2:54

If God sent Jesus at just the right time in history and at just the right time according to God's perfect redemption plan - doesn't it stand to reason that he'll do the same with our sins, frustrations, failings and sufferings too? That God's perfect timeline will come to bear on all of that.

Gregg DeMey 3:15

Let's pray. Abba Father, we trust your good intentions for us, your small childrenand adopted kids. We submit our short term visions and preferred outcomes toyour omniscient all-seeing vision and goodwill to make all of history (and even our broken little lives) into something beautiful and enduring. We pray with the name, power and the presence of Jesus over all of our concerns today. Amen.