Elmhurst CRC

Daily Dose of the Word of God - Beyond Sunday Ep. 65

Jeff Klein Season 1 Episode 748

Jeff Klein, Pastor of Outreach

Jeff Klein  0:10 

Welcome to Elmhurst CRC's daily dose in the Word of God. It's Monday, November 25. This is Jeff Klein with your weekly reminder to walk the way of Jesus - not just on Sunday - but Monday through Saturday as well.

Jeff Klein 0:23 

It's been said that where you stand determines what you see. Think about it: if I spend all my time with Christians and only where Christians hang out, and that's all I'll see and know. I might be able to convince myself this is a good idea because Christians or help me live out my faith in Jesus. They hold me accountable and we all believe the same things so it kind of keeps us on the right path. But, if I do that, aren't I only insulating myself from a broken world that needs Jesus intervention through my life? If you only hang out with people the same socioeconomic class or race, are you ever confronted with the reality of poverty or someone else's struggle in their quest for a full life?

Jeff Klein  1:03 

How much of our perspective is only about us, only about where we stand andwhat we see? Do you stand only where it's comfortable, secure and safe for you? Jesus modeled standing in other places. He traveled to the Decapolis, these 10 cities built by Alexander the Great, where there was Greeks, Gentiles and all kinds of crazy idolatry going on. He hung out in Samaria, where no Jew would go. He went to a welll there and met a woman who needed desperately to hear the message of the good news of the kingdom. He went to dinner at Matthew's house and ate with sinners. We should challenge ourselves to stand in new places. Go to a neighborhood where you don't normally hang out, shop in a store that's outside your norm, visit a place outside of your religious zone and see if you can see where Jesus is needed in that place. Then, figure out if Jesus is asking you to step in somewhere and be the presence of Christ in that place. Will you try standing in a different place this week? Will you try seeing some new things? Will you step out of your comfort zone and stretch yourself for the Kingdom?

Jeff Klein 2:17  

Let's pray. Jesus, we confess that it's easy for us to want to go where it's comfortable, where it's safe, where it's secure and where it makes sense for us. Lord, please help us to catch a vision of the kingdom and of our role in the world that makes us stand in other places. In y our name we pray all these things, amen.