Elmhurst CRC

Daily Dose of the Word of God - Beyond Sunday Ep. 37

Jeff Klein Season 1 Episode 609

Jeff Klein, Pastor of Outreach

Jeff Klein  0:09 

Welcome to Elmhurst CRC's daily dose in the Word of God. It's Monday, May 6. This is Jeff Klein with your weekly reminder to move your faith Beyond Sunday.

Jeff Klein  0:18 

The city of Denver has been actively building a community on the spot where the old Stapleton airport used to be. Denver is very careful about how they plan communities and about what they place in them. They are concerned about the effects on the environment, as well as the overall quality of life that people want join that community.

Jeff Klein  0:36 

I was talking to a church planter who went to Stapleton (this new community) to plant a church. When he went there, he found that the plan had taken into account food, stores and other retail outlets, schools, community centers and medical facilities to support the community. When he asked around as to where a church might meet Stapleton, he was told that the plan for that community never included a physical space for a church. Really? When they planted this community, they didn't think it was relevant to include a church. Wow, has the Church lost its meaning to most people in our modern world?

Jeff Klein  1:08  

If you think about Jesus's ministry or the early church, they also didn't have a building. It was their witness, it was the way they live, and the way they moved. It was what they talked about that actually made them relevant to the people around them. How might the church today reinvent itself so that it can be relevant in places where there is no physical space for a church? We better start to think and move differently as Jesus people if we hope to change the world.