Elmhurst CRC

Daily Dose of the Word of God - Luke 24: 44-49

Kyle Olson Season 1 Episode 606

Kyle Olson, Technical Director

Kyle Olson  0:05 

Welcome to Elmhurst CRC's daily dose the Word of God. It's Wednesday, May 1, it's the season of Easter and we're walking the Emmaus road with Jesus. My name is Kyle Olson and I serve here as the Technical Director at Elmhurst CRC. I'll be reading from Luke chapter 24, verses 44 through 49 (The Voice)

Kyle Olson  0:27 

The Voice translation starts out with Jesus talking. I’ve been telling you this all along, that everything written about Me in the Hebrew Scriptures must be fulfilled—everything from the law of Moses to the prophets to the psalms. Then he opens their minds so they can comprehend the meaning of the Hebrew Scriptures. Jesus: This is what the Scriptures said: that the promised Anointed One should suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, that in his name a radical change of thought and life should be preached, and that in his name the forgiveness of sins should be preached, beginning in Jerusalem and extending to all nations. You have witnessed the fulfillment of these things. So I am sending My Father’s promise to you. Stay in the city until you receive it—until power from heaven comes upon you.

Kyle Olson 1:28  

Let's pray. Lord, thank you for your word. Thank you for your walk on Earth. Thank you for opening our minds to the meaning of the Hebrew Scriptures, just like you do in this passage. Thank you for putting a fire in our hearts and thank you for your immense sacrifice, mercy and grace. Lord, let us walk as these men walked next to you, and let our hearts and minds be open to your presence in this world. In Your name, amen.