Elmhurst CRC

Sunday Message - I Saw The Sign

January 16, 2022 Elmhurst CRC
Elmhurst CRC
Sunday Message - I Saw The Sign
Show Notes Transcript

- with Gregg DeMey, Lead Pastor

Gregg DeMey  00:03

All right. We live in high anxiety times. It's awesome that again and again and again the Bible's messages. Y'all do not need to be afraid. God's got you. God's got this.

 Gregg DeMey  00:20

One of the best ways that God shines his light is through his word. That's why so many folks who are a part of this community through the years, make the practice of having a daily infusion of God's word, just as important as eating physical food, and drinking physical water is that important. In the course of the year, we are walking through something called the lectionary. And for six months, we are doing our best to follow the Bible through the story of Jesus. And the church here begins usually in early December, there are four weeks of waiting called Advent leading up to Christmas, we celebrate the arrival of God in the flesh, Jesus Christ. And then we have just come over the edge into a season called Epiphany, which is a strange word, but has anybody ever said I just had an epiphany. It's usually when you like realize something that you could have or should have known. And like all the facts or the bit of information comes into the front of your brain. If you want to impress your friends, you can use that word. In the Bible's terms, epiphany means when something gets revealed, or when something is shown, and we are in a season now when things through Jesus are meant to be revealed and shown to all of us and to the world. We are going to land today for most of the message in John chapter two. And here's how it begins. On the third day, amazing things happen in the Bible on the third day, by the way, "On the third day, a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee, Jesus mother, Mary was there, Jesus and his disciples, they had also been invited to the wedding. When the wine was gone, and there was a lot of dancing, talking days and days eating and drinking, but they ran out of line when the wine was gone. Jesus mother said to him, "They have no more wine." Check out Jesus replied, "Woman, why do you involve me?" Jesus replied, "My hour has not yet come." The first revelation, here we are in Cana, Nowheresville, Israel, unlike real estate, which is location, location, location. When we're hanging out in the Bible, it is not necessarily about location, but who you are with that it's all about. And the story is all about being with Jesus. Mary presents a problem to Jesus. We're at this huge party, a wedding is going to go on for a week, they have run out of wine. Jesus' response to his mother sounds so rude in English, doesn't it? "Woman, why do you involve me?" Kids? Don't try that at home. Hey, it's time for dinner "Woman, why do you involve me?" It's your bedtime." Yep. This is a phrase that's hard to translate. But rest assured, Jesus is not rude or put off with his mother. In some other languages. You can address your mother and just use the word woman. And it sounds perfectly endearing and respectful. Not so much in English. Some English translations say, "Oh, dear woman" at this point. I'm not sure that's a ton better. But maybe it's a little closer. But even harder than Jesus. Just calling his mom woman is his phrase. "Why do you involve me?" In the language of the New Testament? This is a word for translation it would-be woman. What have I to do with you? Like that? Sounds tough, right? Even worse woman, what have I to do with you? It helps to know that this little turn of phrase "What have I to do with you?" is still used in the Middle East today. And it is a quirky idiom that basically means— let me figure this out my way. Do we know what idioms are to? An idiom in English is like when someone tells you something really exciting and you're like—get out.

 Gregg DeMey  04:34

I mean, you don't literally want them to get out and go away. Right? You say "get out" but you're actually like, "Tell me more." That's amazing. Similarly, Jesus is using an idiom in another language that just doesn't work in English so much because we don't have the same one. Jesus is saying, "Dear Mom, I am going to figure this out my own way." Here's what happens next. He can tell me understands us because here's the next thing that comes out of her mouth. His mother, Mary said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you." My mom never said that about me in my entire life. It's amazing. Yes, in general, this is like the greatest life advice a person could get, do whatever Jesus tells you. This is what Mary is telling the nameless servants nearby stood six huge stone water jars, the kind that was used by Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from 20 to 30 gallons. I mean, like this is a lot of water, some quick math, six times 20, if they held 20 gallons would be 120 gallons of water, six times 30. So between 120 and 180 gallons of water, I mean, that's like bathtub after bathtub after bathtub, I mean, like a ton of water. Now, Jesus said to the servants, fill the jars with water. So they filled them to the brim. And then Jesus told them now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet. And just like Mary told them, the servants did exactly what Jesus had ordered down to the letter. If you've never read this before, like, this is an amazing moment, like what is going to happen next, all the water, the huge stone jars, you're taking pure H2O to the guy who's supposed to be the master of ceremonies of this entire party, this is going to be a disappointing way to find out that they are 100% out of wine. So the servants did so. And then the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize where did come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. Now Jesus' point in doing this is not to make a huge public show. It's not to lay off fireworks like the Fourth of July and be like, Look what I just did everybody. I mean, the only people who know at this point are servants who are helping behind the scenes, and who are following Jesus orders. How much about what Jesus does, is seen by only a few and understand understood by even less? Truly. Here's what the Master of Ceremonies does. He calls the bridegroom aside and says, "Everyone brings out the choice wine first, and then the cheaper wine after all the guests have had too much to drink. But you sir, you have saved the best until now." What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory and His disciples believed in him. There are some important words here friends. The first thing to notice is that Jesus did not just make enough wine to get them through the next 24 hours of the party. When Jesus performs a sign, there is something of superabundance that happens. And again, it's not to impress everybody or to show off to everybody because not many folks know where this come from, but it is to provide superabundance for everybody. Quick aside, in season one, episode five of a little show called "The Chosen," there is an amazingly joyful, fun, lovely portrayal of this entire scene. Words can't really describe what a Jewish wedding is like or would have been like 2000 years ago when nobody had four weeks of vacation or two weeks of vacation, or national holidays when you had a whole week off with people that you cared about and friends and there was quality wine and a party and dancing that show the chosen episode five displays as brilliantly and if you see Jesus the way he's portrayed you think now there is a guy who is full of joy, which I love.

 Gregg DeMey  09:26

The disciples witnessed this, and they interpreted it as the first of the signs that Jesus did what is sign. A sign is something that points to something larger and bigger and more significant than itself. This is not just about water into wine. as extraordinary as it is. Water into wine is a sign of something way bigger, and way more significant. It turns out that Jesus Christ is able to turn one thing and transform it into something else on this occasion, water into wine 100%. He also transformed on this occasion, what was going to be a disaster of a wedding into an extraordinary celebration. Jesus can work that, that transformation from disaster into celebration. Jesus is able to work. Maybe what was a little bit of, I don't know, concern, possibly even control on his mother's behalf. We don't know are these friends of Mary were she concerned for them? She was wanting them not to have a horrible wedding. Jesus is able to take that. And within just one sentence from Jesus complete surrender from Mary, could you do something to Hey, guys, Do whatever he tells you. I don't know what it's going to be. But it's going to be truly amazing. I mean, everything that Jesus touches as a result of everything that comes out of his mouth to people who are truly paying attention. There are transformations going on. This is the first sign that his disciples saw, they are just baby disciples at this point, over the course of three years, he is going to grow them up from spiritual preschoolers into, I don't know, maybe spiritual fifth graders. Right? He's going to begin the process, but he is going to perform the miracle of turning sinners into saints. And if we would have it, Jesus still to this day would work the same transformation. You may be thinking, isn't the stretching it just a little bit? Isn't this just about the miracle? In John two of turning water into wine? Jesus first, it's pretty amazing. Yes, no doubt, this miracle was a lifesaver. A family saver, a party saver, a game-changer for all the people who are at that particular wedding, but is also a profound preview of coming attractions. Because when Jesus is involved, it is possible that one thing will get transformed into another thing. Jesus intends to do this, not only on the individual level, although certainly, this is what coming to Jesus, repenting, turning your ways like Jesus can perform this transformation on a profoundly personal and intimate level for all of us. But that is not his only business. Jesus came announcing a kingdom, the kingdom of God. Jesus' goals stretch far beyond each person, one by one or even family by family, the Kingdom Jesus vision stretches so far, that he intends to turn this confusing, sad, pain-ridden world to transform it into something sweet and joyful and healthy and connected. Every once in a while there is a visionary, a prophet, a pastor who catches this vision is Martin Luther King Day tomorrow, for sure. He is one of the leading folks who caught a vision for this. Dr. King's vision was not just for an individual change, a change of mindset, a spiritual change of heart, Dr. King envisioned a particular American society that would be transformed into a place where we are not judged by the color of our skin, where we are not first judged by our national origin or the place of our birth. But when we are judged by our God-given birthright, as sons of daughters of his, and by the content of our character, and by the work of our hands, we have yet to fully realize this vision in the United States of America. By the way, I know there are lots of bagging on America that goes on these days. Again, it's confusing times.

 Gregg DeMey  14:08

But Martin Luther King, Jr. for the prophet that he was, never said anything remotely like America is wrong and its founding, he always said, we still need to live into the glorious promise that was put into our nation that was there right at the founding, that all people are created equal, created by God. Like we have not had enough in 250 years of history to fully live and lean into the deep truths that are there at our founding. I would make the case that for 250 years as a country, we have a long way to go. We're imperfect, but there has been a steady and faithful sometimes trickle, sometimes fire hose of intention from Christian people. against the things that would break us and undo us and cause disunity.

 Gregg DeMey  15:11

In these United States, it was one time possible to enslave and own a person of another race. I mean, that is bar none the worst thing that is that has happened in our national history. However, as Americans, and as Christians, it should give us encouragement, and pride, that at the forefront of breaking that national practice of flipping it upside down, of even fighting brother against brother and family against family to get rid of it, Christians were on the very front end of that, because our convictions run that the fact that we've all been created, the image of God runs far deeper than any kind of economic convenience or material benefit. I mean, it's just plain wrong.

 Gregg DeMey  16:08

If America lives for another 200 years, 500 years, 1000 years, I think we will look back at the early days of the period of the Civil War, maybe in our own somewhat tumultuous times. And we will be able eventually, to see the fingerprints of how Jesus himself is working through his church and his followers to bring about water into wine transformation. I mean, we're currently living in it. It's like we're living inside the jar, waiting for some kind of miraculous transformation to happen. Right? But Jesus is the one who is able to accomplish this personally, and societally over time. All right, what would happen if you were at a party where you were out of drinks, and then all of a sudden there were 180 gallons worth of drinks? Hopefully, there would be days and days left of this party, right? This is surprising, by the way, right? I'm sure there's, there's those of us in the room who like a glass of wine, there's some of us in this room, who have alcoholism in their family, or for whatever reason in our tradition, or like, this makes me super uncomfortable. Are we sure this was Jesus' first sign? And, yes, yes, Jesus creates a superabundance. I would think that the result would not be drunkenness or chaos. I mean, Jesus is the one who is right there at the center of this wedding, the result I would hypothesize would be outstanding joy. dancing, singing, enjoying an awesome meal, days and days of togetherness. Whenever Jesus shows up whenever Jesus works, one of these transformations, the telltale sign that you have been around Jesus is that you find yourself possessed by the kind of joy that you could not come up with on your own even when you're having the best of days, or when everything goes your way. Happiness totally dependent on your circumstances, Joy runs deeper down to something that passes understanding or logic or sense, I'm going to put a few words up on the screen from the Bible's vocabulary. We don't really get this in English. But the New Testament Greek word for joy is katara. You can see that it's a twin of the word, chorus, which means grace or favor, and we apply that word to the love of God, which we never deserved, but which God shines down on us. When you experience the grace and favor of God. The inescapable result and consequence is joy from head to toe. Another related word is charismata. So in English, we have the word charismatic, or charisma, or even charming, which is the word for gifts. And if you receive a gift, or if you're super charismatic and bubbly, people tend to find you, you know, kind of joyful and want to listen to you. All of these words in the Bible, are closely connected. One of the lectionary readings for today comes from I Corinthians 12. And it is all about the charismata the gifts that come from the Holy Spirit. And if you're just looking at these passages, you might wonder like, What does water into wine have to do with spiritual gifts? And here's the connection. Just like Jesus gave this gift of transformation from water into wine at the wedding and it filled everybody with joy. Still to this day, the Holy Spirit is giving charismata spiritual gifts to everyone who walks in the footsteps of Jesus. And the intention is that the result of these gifts, joy will spread throughout the community and your life.

 Gregg DeMey  20:14

Are you getting that? God doesn't give gifts to put on you more obligation. Hey, God made you a good administrator. You just need to labor in the salt mines of church administration for the rest of your life. Like that is not how it works. Like hey, God gave you a musical gift. Have fun. You're playing every evening service at the organ for the rest of your life. Gifts are meant to share joy and brightness and lights. I mean, there's a little coronavirus going on, super thankful that we still have people who will show up and share their musical gift and choir and sing "The Lord is my light and my salvation."I mean, they came to a rehearsal. The whole point is that we will not just read the Scripture, but when we sing it out, it will spread some light and joy, and hopefully at least a few of us felt it this morning. This is what I Corinthians 12 says about the gifts now about the charismata of the spirit. Brothers and sisters, I don't want you all to be uninformed. There are different kinds of gifts. But the same spirit is distributing them there are different kinds of service, but the same Lord different kinds of working, but in each of them and in everyone it is the same God at work behind it all. And now to each one, the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. gifts are given not to just have their own and possess, gifts are given from God to us to share. Right, the wine wasn't in those jugs just to be like look at all that while it was meant to be drunk and to be shared. Sometimes we get confused about this as Westerners because our whole existence is built around having and possessing. But life in the Spirit is about sharing. Last week we read these words from the Heidelberg Catechism, "My only comfort in life and in death is that I am not my own, but belong body and soul to my faithful Savior, Jesus Christ." And whatever gifts that we may have. They are not hours so much as they are hours altogether. If God gave you a musical gift like it might make you a little bit happy to play your guitar at home, and sing some, whatever songs you love to sing at home. But if like in a band this morning, you have the opportunity to play with other musicians like then the gift bumps up a level of joy because of the community. And then if you get to help other people, like sing together and lead songs, then as a musician, your joy goes up here. And whether your gift is caring for children, or if it's generosity, or if it's administration, or if it's teaching or if it's hospitality, your experience of joy, if you share those with a community or this community, like your joy, will only snowball and increase of the great gifts that the Holy Spirit has given Elmhurst CRC through the years. I would rank these as the top two. Care and hospitality for children, our youngest ones, I make no apologies to say the best thing that we do to this day. Probably the most significant thing and eternal significant thing is the Little Lambs Ministry. We are able to be trusted by the community and catch kids and families at their youngest when they're open and receptive to spiritual reality and truth that we adults if you're a little bit older than little lambs, preschoolers, like we get closed off the older we get. Like it's so amazing that now for decades and decades, I mean really since the founding of this church in Bellwood, it has been about meeting young kids. Another amazing gift of this congregation, his generosity. I don't know that in the many decades his churches worked that God has ever given an idea or a dream that people didn't rally behind with their human resources and creative resources and financial resources to just about a month ago, I mean, kind of had a year-end offering push. I'm not really a numbers guy. It takes a little bit of faith. However, because of two years of the pandemic of all the years, I've been here, I kind of thought this may be one of the small numbers of years where the gifts that are given do not quite meet the expenses that have gone into so Serving the kingdom of God. somehow, miraculously,

 Gregg DeMey  25:05

we collected more than we spent this last year. I mean, it's pretty close, like 15 to 20,000 dollars. So that's amazing right there. Because no one is like pulling all the strings and orchestrating this. It's like we're doing what God asked us to do. And then the entire community responds with prayerful generosity, and how it can be like almost that exact, I have no idea. I am just grateful for this community's generosity, and that God faithfully through the years keeps doing this time, and time and time again. I mean, because of that generosity, we can keep welcoming kids into Little Lambs. We can be a few years into expanding to reach kids in the Brandywine community, by coming alongside the York Community Resource Center, we can be partnering with folks in East Africa and building a Christian school in Kenya. I mean, there are so many amazing things because of your generosity like we haven't, we have a fingerprint in prisons in Illinois and in Louisiana. We have amazing summer camps here that welcomes 300 plus kids. I mean, for sure, we also keep the lights on and the building warm, and pay the staff. But like the vision of those, those two things, keeping on serving kids and reaching out to kids, fueled by the gift of generosity that the Holy Spirit has put into this place. It's awesome. Really awesome. Somebody should clap, thank you, God.

 Gregg DeMey  26:43

All right, two closing thoughts. To sum up. Number one, the advice of Mary of Nazareth to those servants, "Do whatever he tells you." That's the best thing anybody could ever do. Like, whatever Jesus is asking you to do, do that. If the Spirit of Jesus has given you a gift, use that. If, in reading the word, if in your inner conscience, you sense a prompting that I'm supposed to keep doing this, I'm supposed to do this new thing. I'm supposed to stop that. However, Jesus Spirit is leading you. Please do that. Like amazing, joyful, miraculous things happen when a person and a community simply does that. Second thing, it's one thing to change water into wine. It's quite another thing to change wine into blood. And that is what Jesus did for us. And we're not celebrating communion this week. But with Jesus, the transformations never stop. And I think it's no accident, that his first miracle, his first side, happened at a wedding, turning water into wine. And the miracle of the Last Supper, a wedding of a different sort. Whereas Jesus saying, from now on, I'm going to be with you to the very end, people. This is a new covenant from God, a wedding covenant, a new covenant from God. And here's what's going to happen. It's not just wine and bread that we're eating any longer. But God loves you so much. And I'm here to demonstrate it with such significance that this is now my body. This is now my blood for you. And I love it like that. If someone has ever done something remotely close to that for you, you know it's not going to go away. It's a love that is not going to fade. It's not going to get weaker with age. It is a love that is eternal, and a love that is not going to let you go. That is what water into wine is a sign of a love that will never let you go. 

 Gregg DeMey  29:21

Will you pray with me? Lord Jesus, we thank you for the joyful way that you've made your major way through this world. You who knew misunderstanding, and suffering and pain like no other, yet characterized by joy and abundance, and friendship and togetherness. Lord, like the servants long ago, today we would hear your voice and we would follow your orders as well. And we would humbly ask that in our lives, in our family, and in our church. In our nation, you would be working that power of transformation of turning one thing into another. Something that looks more like you more like your kingdom more like your beautiful vision for the way things really can and should and ought to be. Lord work in us, through us, around us in spite of us. In your name, we pray, Amen.