Elmhurst CRC

Daily Dose of the Word of God - Beyond Sunday Ep. 48

Jeff Klein Season 1 Episode 660

Jeff Klein, Pastor of Outreach

Jeff Klein  0:09 

Welcome to Elmhurst CRC's daily dose in the Word of God. It's Monday, July 22. This is Jeff Klein with your weekly reminder to take your faith and walk the way of Jesus, Monday through Saturday.

Jeff Klein 0:23 

When I spend time talking with Christians about why they won't share their faith and try to make disciples, the biggest hindrance is fear. We're afraid of not knowing what to say and we're afraid of giving the wrong answer. We're afraid of rejection and afraid that we won't be able to answer people's questions. We're even afraid to talk to people who believe differently than us! All this fear has us frozen and unwilling to even try. This fear is somewhat understandable - who wants to mess up? Who wants to strike out? At the same time, if you're afraid to strike out, you won't ever play baseball. You'll never pick up a bat or know what it's like to hit a homerun. How many of us have missed out on a whole part of our Christian life because we refuse to try to tell other people about Jesus?

Jeff Klein  1:13 

I can tell you from personal experience that it is the most awesome thing ever - to help someone find Jesus and receive him. To pray with somebody in this way. If you've never had that thrill, then you really don't fully understand all that it means to be a follower of Jesus. But you say, "Klein, I'm still afraid and freaked out?" Well, Jesus tells his disciples just before he leaves the earth and asescends into heaven, "you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." So there's this promise that we step out in faith to be his witnesses, the power of the Holy Spirit surrounds us and he joins us on the journey. So know that when you step out in this way, Jesus will join you in a way he never joined you in any other way. His Holy Spirit will come upon you in ways it never does in any other situation. So who do you need to talk to this week? What do you need to step out and share your faith with? What do you need to have a discussion about the Jesus that you know? Step out and know that you'll be joined by the power of the Holy Spirit when you do.

Jeff Klein  2:24  

Let's pray. Jesus, help us to explore our fears around speaking about our faith. Help us to understand them and then help us Lord, to take courage, because we know that you are with us. That your Spirit's power goes with us when we try to do these things, Lord. Give us the courage to step out and try. In your name Jesus we pray, amen.