Elmhurst CRC

Daily Dose of the Word of God - Beyond Sunday Ep. 46

Jeff Klein Season 1 Episode 651

Jeff Klein, Pastor of Outreach

Jeff Klein  0:11 

Welcome to Elmhurst CRc's daily dose in the Word of God. It's Monday, July 8. This is Jeff Klein reminding you to walk the way of Jesus, not just on Sunday, but Monday through Saturday as well.

Jeff Klein  0:24 

Have you ever been called by God? Have you ever heard him ask you to do something? Have you ever heard him, you know, call out to you and give you a job, a task, a way to join him in his mission? The Bible is full of people who were called by God - there's lots of examples. There's Moses who's given this easy task of approaching the most powerful man in the world and getting God's people free from slavery. Or, there's Gideon who's told to deliver the Israelites from the Midianites - this mass of people with a massive army - and he's only given 300 men to do it with. Or, how about Jeremiah? He's told to speak God's words of truth and judgment to a people who really aren't going to listen to him.

Jeff Klein 1:08 

These callings continue all through the Bible and into the New Testament as well. Each of these callings from God, are colossal. They are way beyond the abilities and strengths of the men of whom they were asked. What resources did these people possess? How can their resources even have any bearing on the giant tasks that were given? They really didn't, yet each time, God finished his presentation with one sentence: "I will be with you." I'll be with you. When you say yes to God's call, that's what happens - he draws near. Now, when I hear people talk about outreach, evangelism and mission I hear, "Oh my goodness, this is way beyond me. I can never do this. I can never share my faith, I'm so afraid. Inviting someone to Alpha or a church service just freaks me out! I can't do it!" Well, I get it. Your call to be on the mission of God is colossal. It's beyond your abilities and beyond what you can bring to the table. But God promises the same thing to you - He'll be with you. He's gonna come along and draw near. Ask him for his help. Who is it that God has put in front of you this summer? Who needs you to enter in and introduce them to the Jesus you've gotten to know? Who is it that needs you to engage with them in a relationship so that they can discover something about the truth of the gospel? Try it - Step out. Remember, God will be with you.

Jeff Klein 2:48  

Let's pray. Father God, as we hear you call our name and give us tasks to do along the way, we pray that you will multiply with your strength and presence our meager abilities to help us to accomplish what you call us to do. In addition, Father God - just like you were with these people in the Bible - please draw near to us as we step out. In your name Jesus we pray, Amen.