Elmhurst CRC

Daily Dose of the Word of God - Luke 10: 25-29

Kelly Day Season 1 Episode 647

Kelly Day, Director of Coffee Break Bible Study

Kelly Day 0:08 

Welcome to Elmhurst CRC's daily dose of the Word of God. It's Tuesday July 2nd. It's the season of green and growing things, our spiritual lives included. This summer, we are sitting at Jesus' feet, listening to his parables, stories which had meaning in our lives. Luke 10, 25 through 29.

Kelly Day 0:27 

On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?” He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.” But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”

Kelly Day  1:05 

This question sparked some thoughts on my past literal next door neighbors. In our first home as newlyweds, our next door neighbor was a sweet couple that happened to be a scout for the Chicago White Sox (my husband's favorite team). They ended up getting us some great tickets and even opened a college savings account for our son when he was born. Wow - these are great neighbors, easy to love. When they moved out, in moved a woman that had her own show on Moody Christian radio. Again, easy to love. Then, there was the neighbor behind us. He was an unpleasant older gentleman that loved neat and orderly lawns, especially his own. Some of the weeds behind my garage and the bushes not regularly trimmed became a source of contention between us. By the time we moved, he would no longer talk with us. I decided that when we moved out of that home and into our next, I would do whatever I could to be a good neighbor and continued kindness even when faced with difficult people.

Kelly Day  2:12 

Well, God put that to the test. For numerous years, we had an unlovable family move in. They struggled with numerous addictions, foul language, garbage all over the yard and caused some fear of safety. God kept challenging me to love them despite these things. Other neighbors were calling the police in the village on them, but God pushed me to show love (despite my feelings). I was blessed to share the Good News of Christ's love for them as one of them received a cancer diagnosis. By the time they moved, gifts were given and tears were shed when they left.

Kelly Day 2:50 

Jesus wasn't just challenging this expert in the law to only love those right next door or of the same heritage, but to see all as your neighbor - the easy to love and the difficult. The ones you relate to and those who don't. Those who have different viewpoints than you and even different religious views. God has and will continue to challenge me in these ways of showing love to all. How is he challenging you today? Will you choose to show Christ-like love?

Kelly Day 3:25  

Dear Lord our father, teacher and friend, thank you for giving us your true word to learn from. I pray that we will desire to live by your words of loving you with our hearts, soul, strength and minds. In doing so, we will love our neighbors well. That is the fruit of loving you dear Lord. Wherever and with whomever is a current challenge for us, I pray that you'd break down our walls and hard-heartedness to follow your command of love. In Christ's name alone, Amen.