Elmhurst CRC

Daily Dose of the Word of God - Acts 2

Kyle Olson Season 1 Episode 616

Kyle Olson, Technical Director

Kyle Olson  0:10 

Welcome to Elmhurst CRC's daily dose of the Word of God. It's Wednesday, May 15. My name is Kyle Olson and I serve here as the Technical Director at Elmhurst CRC. It's Pentecost this Sunday, so I'll be reading from the Children's Bible - finishing up the story that Kara Hackert started yesterday on the podcast. If you need to hear part one, jump back a day! Here we go.

Kyle Olson 0:35 

The crowd surged forward as Peter stood up to speak to them. The rest of the apostles stood close to Peter, to show that they had supported him. "Listen, everyone!" Peter began, and the chatter died down as the crowd settled to hear Peters explanation. "We're not drunk," Peter asserted. "It's too early in the morning for that. We'll tell you what has changed us. Do you remember how the prophet Joel centuries ago, said that one day God would pour out His Holy Spirit on every one of his children? That is what has happened today. God has given us His Spirit and I'll tell you why. Only a few weeks ago at Passover, you helped to hound Jesus to death. He was a wonderful teacher who showed by his acts of power that he came from God. But you and your leaders wanted him to be crucified and you had your way. But Jesus's death was not really the result of wicked men's plots. It was all part of God's own wonderful plan, that Jesus should suffer death. He did not die because he deserved to - he died for our sins. And that was not the end of the story! God did not leave Jesus to rot in the grave - he made them alive again. And today, we can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that God has made Jesus Lord of all. He is God's Messiah King!" There was a great stir and sigh as Peter stopped speaking. He was right! They had done a terrible thing. They had shouted for the death of God's chosen Messiah. They were full of remorse and their consciences were deeply pricked. "Whatever can we do?" they asked. "If you are truly sorry," Peter replied. "Turn back to God, and put your trust in Jesus. Be baptized to show that you mean to leave your sins behind and follow Jesus. God will forgive you and will give you His Holy Spirit too." Many people rushed forward to do as Peter said. That day the number of believers in Jesus swelled to 3000. They all began to meet regularly in the days that followed. They had meals together, prayed and learn more from the apostles about what it meant to follow Jesus.

Kyle Olson  3:05  

Let's pray. Lord, thank you for your word. Thank you for your testimony and thank you for sending your son to not only be an example for us, but to save us in his death. And then teach us even more Lord, after his resurrection. Help us to accept you again and again every day so that that Holy Spirit fire will burn within us just a little bit brighter. And so that we may see as you see your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. In your name, amen.